Parenting Hive is a blog about everyday life as a parent. Among evidence-based posts, there is a focus on activities for children and families, food and travel, and parenting. We share insights and resources with our readers and strive to create a strong sense of community.

Working with Parenting Hive will allow you to reach thousands of parents who are already users of social media in a way that is meaningful to them. We are well suited to promote family-friendly, child-centered products and products related to health and wellness.

Working With The Parenting Hive

The Parenting Hive offers a limited number of sponsored opportunities, as well as social media shout-outs, content advertising, and newsletter advertising. If your brand is a great fit for our audience, we can work together in a variety of ways:

1. Sponsored Post

Content created by us and published on our blog, specifically for your brand, will engage our audience and share your message. This also includes;

  • Social media shoutouts
  • Content created to match your brand to our audience across various social media platforms.
  • An image with personally written text and a link at the end of the content that is an excellent fit for your brand.

2. Newsletter Advertising

A banner image with text and a link at the end of our weekly email newsletter.

3. Content Creation

Well-written articles (including images if needed) on topics such as parenting, health, and wellness, early childhood education and development, technology, and digital marketing.

4.Consulting and Social Media Management

Do you need help setting up or running your blog, Facebook page, or Pinterest account? Our Team possesses outstanding skills and experience in social media and blogging to share.

5. Guest Posts

The Parenting Hive only accepts guest posts from other content creators who align with our audience and values. Kindly follow our guidelines on guestposting.

Kindly follow our guidelines on guestpo