Attachment Parenting 101 for Infants

As a new parent in an ever-changing world, it is natural to look for insights on how to raise your child. And you must have most likely heard about attachment parenting, or if you haven’t and are looking for out what it is about, you have come to the right place. 

This blog post will look at everything you need to know about it so you can have a proper understanding moving forward. So, let’s find out below.

What is Attachment Parenting?

Attachment parenting is a method that builds a strong relationship between the child and the parent. It aims to create a favorable environment where the parent and child can communicate and relate easily, so basically a safe space.

Attachment parenting is not a one-size-fits-all approach but rather a philosophy that adapts to different families and their needs. There are several types of attachment parenting, each with its own unique characteristics and practices. There are four types of attachment parenting:

  • Secure – established when a caregiver regularly provides comfort and care. When this baby sees their caretaker, they react with joy.
  • Avoidant: When a baby is in distress, a caregiver may become avoidant. This child is less likely to ask their caregiver for assurance. 
  • Ambivalent: When caregivers offer consolation in some situations but express irritation in others, they become ambivalent. The infant’s responses to its caregiver are also irregular.
  • Disorganized: Since the baby is still an infant and can’t properly communicate their needs, the parent has to pay close attention to the child and use intuition to decipher the child’s needs. This is one of the goals of attachment parenting: parents attend immediately to the needs of their infants. This lets the child know that there is someone looking out for them.

In this article, we look at “attachment parenting” as coined by Dr. William Sears, a pediatrician, and his wife, Martha Sears, a registered nurse. The concept of “The Attachment Parenting Book,” which they co-wrote, was that infants require strong, loving relationships from their parents in order to thrive.

Examples of Attachment Parenting

If you’re interested in practicing attachment parenting, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s important to understand that this style of parenting is centered around building a strong bond between parent and child. This means being responsive and attentive to your child’s needs.

Some common methods associated with attachment parenting include:

Babywearing method

Babywearing is another aspect of attachment parenting. It is simply having physical contact with the baby as the parent.The babywearing method involves:

  • Carrying your baby in a carrier or sling close to your body as you go about your daily tasks.  Using a carrier or sling can help promote bonding while also allowing you to continue with your daily activities. It’s important to find a carrier that works for both you and your baby.
  • It could be through carrying the baby even when they are not crying, or laying down close to them, or them lying to you. 

BreastFeeding Method

The breastfeeding method involves exclusively breastfeeding your infant until they naturally wean themselves off milk. It’s believed that this practice strengthens the bond between mother and baby while providing numerous health benefits for both.

This means letting your baby nurse whenever they show signs of hunger, rather than sticking to a strict feeding schedule. Breastfeeding can be challenging at first, but with practice, it becomes second nature.

Co-Sleeping Method

Another type is co-sleeping, where parents sleep in the same bed as their baby. While some families prefer having their children sleep in separate rooms, The idea behind the former, is that it promotes bonding between parent and child, making nighttime feedings easier while providing emotional security for the baby.


Communication plays an important role in attachment parenting as well. Since the baby is still an infant and can’t properly communicate their needs, the parent has to pay close attention to the child and use intuition to decipher the child’s needs. This is one of the goals of attachment parenting: parents attend immediately to the needs of their infants. This lets the child know that there is someone looking out for them. 

Positive Discipline

Gentle discipline encourages positive reinforcement methods over punishment when dealing with discipline issues. It means understanding the message that a child’s bad behavior is conveying, and rather than punishing or simply imposing their will on kids, parents are urged to work out a solution with them.

Parents who follow this method believe it fosters mutual respect between parent and child while promoting emotional regulation skills in children.

Attachment parenting has its fair share of pros and cons, just like any other parenting style. Here are some of the advantages and drawbacks to consider: 

What Are the Benefits of Attachment Parenting?

While there are some criticisms of attachment parenting, there are many potential benefits as well. It’s up to individual families to decide if this approach feels right for them based on their values and lifestyle preferences.

Let’s look at the pros of attachment parenting offers a variety of benefits for both parents and children. 

  • It creates a strong bond between parent and child: This  can help promote healthy emotional development in the child. This can lead to increased self-esteem, greater resilience to stress, and better overall mental health.
  • It promotes physical closeness between parent and child: This allows for more opportunities for skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding, and other forms of physical nurturing that are thought to be beneficial for infants.
  • Attachment parenting can also help parents develop greater sensitivity to their children’s needs as they learn how to respond quickly and appropriately to their baby’s cues. This can improve communication within the family unit, leading to less frustration on both sides.
  • Can lead to more secure attachments in children later in life; May reduce the risk of behavioral problems or mental health issues in children. Research has shown that attachment parenting may even have long-term benefits into adulthood. Children who were raised with secure attachments tend to do better academically and socially later in life.

What Are The Drawbacks of Attachment Parenting?

  • It can be physically demanding for parents, especially when it comes to co-sleeping or carrying a baby around constantly
  • It may not work for all families, as every child is unique and may have different needs
  • can sometimes make it difficult for parents to balance their self-care with their child’s needs.
    Some critics argue that attachment parenting can create overly dependent children who struggle with independence.

Ultimately, whether or not attachment parenting is right for you and your family depends on your circumstances and beliefs. It’s important to weigh both the benefits and challenges before making a decision.


In summary, attachment parenting is a parenting philosophy that focuses on building strong emotional bonds between parents and their children. It encompasses various approaches aimed at strengthening the connection between parent and child through nurturing practices such as babywearing, co-sleeping, breastfeeding, and gentle discipline, among others.

While engaging in attachment parenting is one approach to support your child’s secure and healthy development, it’s not the only option, and it doesn’t have to be “all or nothing” to be successful and also,it may not be for everyone.

Only you, the parent, can create an environment where your child feels safe, secure, and loved. Finding a parenting strategy that works for you as a parent while balancing your child’s demands is key, just like with everything else in parenting.

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