Homeschooling in Kenya: All You Need To Know

Homeschooling is an alternative education where parents educate their children at home rather than sending them to public or private schools. The concept of homeschooling has been around for centuries. Homeschooling in Kenya has recently gained popularity, where more parents seek alternative education options for their children.

How Does Homeschooling Work?

Homeschooling is a parent-led form of education where the parent assumes the role of a teacher. The parent is responsible for creating a customized education plan that meets their child’s needs and learning styles. The parent also selects the homeschooling curriculum, materials, and resources that they will use to teach their child.

How Do I Start Homeschooling?

The first step is to research the homeschooling laws in your country or state to ensure you comply with the law. It is crucial to mention that the legality of homeschooling has not been explicitly tackled in the Kenyan constitution.

Next, select a homeschooling curriculum and materials aligned with your child’s learning style and interests. 

Homeschool Curriculum

The homeschool curriculum is the foundation of homeschooling. Homeschooling programs provide a structured and comprehensive curriculum for homeschooling families and offer support and guidance for parents while ensuring that children receive a well-rounded education. The homeschooling curriculum can also be tailored to the child’s abilities and needs.

In Kenya, many homeschooling families use a curriculum aligned with the Ministry of Education. To involve the student in this approach, the parent or guardian can teach the child themselves or hire a qualified teacher.

Parents should also consider their child’s learning style, interests, and goals when selecting a homeschooling type. There are many homeschooling styles to choose from. A few of them include;

  • School-at-Home/ Traditional: As a child, you most likely experienced traditional homeschooling in the classroom. Typically, it comprises distinct textbooks and workbooks for each school discipline. You read the chapter of the book assigned to you and respond to the questions about the material.
  • Classical Education: The foundation of classical homeschooling is teaching children the rules of phonics, spelling, grammar, foreign languages, history, science, and arithmetic in three stages: Trivium (6–10), Grammar (7–10), and Dialectic Stage (10–12). The goal of The Rhetoric Stage (13–18), a systematic, exacting study, is to cultivate a clear, compelling use of language.
  • Unschooling: typically goes with the interests of the child, i.e., There is no set curriculum
  • Unit Studies: All academic subjects (language arts, history, science, music, art, etc.) are integrated into a single theme or topic during unit studies.
  • Charlotte Mason: The method emphasizes lifelong good habits while presenting the knowledge to learners in various ways based on how kids naturally learn. It makes use of rich literature and actual objects.

Homeschooling Resources & Activities

Homeschool resources provide support and guidance for homeschooling families. One can get advice on curriculum selection, homeschooling techniques, and socialization. They can also connect homeschooling families and give a sense of community and support.

Many homeschooling resources are available on various institutions’ platforms, i.e. blogs and websites. A few notable ones include;

You should also consider joining a homeschooling support group, forum, or community.

Perhaps you want to know which activities you will indulge in during homeschooling. Through these resources, you can find opportunities for children to learn and explore outside of the classroom. Homeschooled children can also participate in various activities like field excursions, science experiments, and art projects.

Homeschooling parents can also create their activities based on their child’s interests and learning style. For instance, if a child is interested in science, you can take them to a science museum or conduct science experiments at home.

Homeschooling Apps

Apps are everywhere. Homeschooling apps are a convenient and effective supplement to your child’s education. Many homeschooling apps are available for different subjects, such as math, science, and language arts.

Some popular homeschooling apps include BrainPOP and Duolingo. These apps provide interactive lessons, quizzes, and games that make learning interesting and engaging for children.

Benefits of Homeschooling 

Like any other form of education, homeschooling has its pros and cons. Let us begin with the advantages.

Individualized Learning Experience

The key perk of homeschooling is that it offers a more individualized learning experience. Homeschooling allows parents to customize their child’s education to meet their interests, unique learning styles, and strengths.

Safer And More Controlled Learning Environment

Another advantage of homeschooling is that it provides a safer and more controlled learning environment. Homeschooled children do not have to deal with bullying, peer pressure, or negative social influences common in traditional schools. 

Family Bonding

Moreover, homeschooling allows parents to spend more quality time with their children, strengthening which can strengthen the parent-child bond.

It also provides opportunities for children to interact with people of different ages and backgrounds because they can learn from their parents, grandparents, neighbors, and community members, broadening their perspectives and enhancing which can broaden their social skills.

Challenges of Homeschooling in Kenya


However, homeschooling also has its challenges. A major disadvantage of homeschooling in Kenya is that it can demand considerable time and effort. Homeschooling parents must be committed to creating and executing lesson plans, grading assignments, and providing feedback to their children.

Lack of Socialization

Sometimes homeschooling can be isolating for both the parent and the child. Homeschooled children may miss out on socializing opportunities and interacting with peers, which can hinder their social and emotional development.

While some research has shown that homeschooled children can have excellent social skills and are often more socially adept than their traditionally schooled peers, the study has several flaws; for instance, it needs to account for the experiences of many former homeschoolers adequately.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Homeschooling Better?

Homeschooling in Kenya: All You Need To Know

The choice to homeschool depends on your individual needs and preferences. Homeschooling in Kenya may be a great option for some families, while traditional schooling may be better for others. 

Homeschooling provides greater adaptability and personalization, whereas conventional schooling provides more structure and chances for social interaction.

However, research has shown that homeschooling can be an effective form of education. One study found that homeschooled children perform well, if not better, than their traditionally schooled peers in academic and social outcomes.

At What Age Should I Start Homeschooling My Child?

The homeschooling experience varies for each individual. While some families begin homeschooling in kindergarten, others switch from public or private schools to homeschooling later, such as during middle or high school.

Therefore, homeschooling can kick off at any age because children are always eager to explore and learn; and homeschooling provides a safe and nurturing environment for them to do so.


In conclusion, homeschooling in Kenya is a viable and effective education form that provides children with a customized and flexible learning experience. While it can be challenging, but it can be a rewarding experience for parents and children with the right resources and support. 

Parents can promote socialization by enrolling their children in extracurricular activities such as sports, music, classes, and community groups. They can also participate in co-op programs, which allow them to socialize with other homeschooling families and share resources and expertise.

So, by researching, selecting the right curriculum and materials, and joining a homeschooling community, you can provide your child with quality education that meets their different and unique needs and prepares them for a successful future.

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